The Jazz Worriers - Locking Horns!

The Jazz Worriers
Dean Masser and Neil Yates have decided to STOP worrying about the state of the world in general and play some uplifting jazz to raise their spirits, and they're ready to share the good vibes with you!
Together, throughout 2013, they embarked on a quest to improve their understanding and skills. They ruthlessly critiqued each other's performance and playing, leaving no stone unturned in a quest to better themselves. Dean sought out online mentorship, studying with US jazz masters like Hal Galper, locking himself away in the shed with his horn until he emerged with a new understanding and fludiity. Meanwhile Neil travelled to New York on an Arts Council Wales funded trip to imbibe the music in the city and study with the current jazz crop like Mike Rodriguez, Jeremy Pelt, Billy Drewes and Scott Wendholt (Village Vanguard Jazz Orchestra), returning home to a rigorous practice schedule working all the advice and guidance into his concept of improvisation, performance. and composition.
The result?
They've raised their game...
Now, by delving into jazz history, and applying their new-found musical acumen, they've combined some new compositions with arrangements of some of the pivotal jazz tunes from history into a show that is at once musically truthful, exciting and, crucially, humourously presented.
It's important because it's designed to dispell any anxieties the British jazz audience may have acquired from a world where such an intellegent, creative minded populace are presented on a daily basis daily with brain-sapping TV shows like "What The 'Ecks-Factor" and "Britains Lacks Talent" (!) , which, without contrast in real artistic expression, could lend the idea that jazz, and all the creative, beautiful and mind opening qualties it stands for and represents, REALLY IS dead.
By bringing back a simple combination of witty banter and musical seriousness that Britain became famous for in the 1960s, through the genius of national treasures such as Humphrey Lyttelton and Ronnie Scott, The Jazz Worriers are inviting the populace back in to enjoy the creativity of swing and jazz, with a twist of 21st century innovation...
Available Soon...!
The Jazz Worriers 1
Audio CD

Sticky Wicket
But Not For Me
The Jazz Worriers
Y'Arite Or Wot?
Birk's Works
Rocordame (Live)
The Jazz Worriers 2
Audio CD

Sonnymoon for Two
And Then She Stopped...
Fried Bananas
Pent Up House
The Jazz Worriers (Live)
The Jazz Worriers Live DVD 1
HD Quality DVD

The Jazz Worriers Live DVD 2
HD Quality DVD

On Green Dolphin Street
Step Lightly
And Then She Stopped...
Frog Eyes
I'll Remember April
The Jazz Worriers
Up Jumped Spring
Y'arite Or Wot?
But Not For Me